onsdag 2 januari 2019

Weekly analyze December 30

I have for some time been trying to understand SLT price movements and a way to predict future value to the SLT. Have not succeeded (yet …) but in the progress, I have gained some new insights:
  • The holding requirement for ABT issuers and holders is the major key for increasing SLT prices. It’s a very clever set up, differentiating Smartlands from all other crypto projects I have looked at
  • The cap of coins is equally important but not the 7 million number. If it was 70 million the SLT would simply be $0,3 instead of today $3

I have focused on two set of data, price and volume through CoinMarketCap and the wallet holdings information on StellarExpert.

The price/volume information is distorted by the Exrates exchange but I have made some analyses anyway, as a preparation for larger volumes on Stellar Exchanges and maybe some other coming exchanges.

In the holding analyze have I focused on the wallets with 3.000 or more SLTs, as proxy for HODL quantity. I’m sure we have a lot of HODLer with less SLT but I put the limit here to make sure there are none/few short term trades included. My initial thinking was that these large holders will be there for the long run with only a few movements weekly but also some new large HODL as prices go up.

I will update below graphs weekly (Mondays).

SLT analyze December 30, 2018

140k SLT moved from the largest wallets during this week and went into 4 new wallets with 30k each and one with 20k. Smartlands team selling to lender and/or major investors? If so, both pros and cons, would be nice to see the purchases through market but at the same time good that the team is playing safe.

Index calculated as weekly wallet change quantity divided over unchanged quantity, e.g. this week change (New 174.761+Buy more 32.260 + Sold parts 148.534 + sold all 38.340) divided by Unchanged 4.485.646 = 6%. 

Wallet changes from December 10 to December 30: 

Price and volume

One dot represents one day price and volume, e.g. January 1 closing price according to CMC $3,67 with volume $847.369 and is the black dot above.

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SLT analyze July 24, 2019

It’s been a very interesting 9 months detail studding Smartlands, but I decided when doing previous update to sell my SLT (and my other tok...